The Hashbeats: Issue #15
Need your weekly dose of all things Hashflow? Here's a quick recap of progress on our product, growth initiatives, and all the latest news across our ecosystem 👇
- Continued improvements on core exchange experience
- Kicked off development on next generation contracts
- Our CEO Varun speaks on Binance Live
- Basic Degenomics features Shibetoshi & Udi
- New Hashgang Spotlight: Meet Woo Dad
Hashverse Progress & Product Upgrades
Last week, our Product team was heads down fleshing out additional mechanics and designs for the Hashverse:
- Polished item designs and in-game functionality ✔️
- Defined initial item supply and relative scarcity ✔️
- Refined quest structure, including difficulty and reward scheme ✔️
Beyond the Hashverse, our Eng team had yet another productive week focused on infrastructure:
- Now that Hashverse contracts are pending audits, our work is two-fold: improving the core exchange experience and working on some of the longer term goals.
- We’ve officially kicked off development on our next generation contracts. They will be open source and will support both EVM chains & ▉▉▉ - for both cross chain and intra chain trading!
- In addition, we've been building automation around market maker reports and liquidity monitoring. These tools will help MMs provide liquidity where traders need it the most 💪
Hashflow AMA on Binance Live
Last week, Varun was invited to speak and answer all things Hashflow on Binance Live - where the AMA has been watched over 25,600+ times across platforms! ICYMI, catch the livestream here 👇
The Stats
Overall volume last week jumped to $154.5M, with Ethereum maintaining its lead and BNB Chain re-gaining the runner-up spot. The Red Gang 🔺 and Arbinauts 💙 are now head-to-head in 3rd - who will prevail next week??

Basic Degenomics Features Shibetoshi & Udi
Last week, our ringleader Nicole Behnam and Chief Degen Alan Caroll hosted the 2nd episode of "Basic Degenomics" - where we were joined by Shibetoshi and Udi who brought the real talk to the space with their authentic takes & no-BS approach. Almost 2,000 Hashgang tuned in to the Space!

There isn’t a recording this time, but we expect to see them again and other cool peeps on our Space in the future - so make sure to join the party next time 🎧
Hashflow Governance Updates
We’re thrilled to see the continued growth in decentralization and governance participation. Since the launch of governance late last year, we’ve had 43 pre-proposals, 16 polls, and 7,300+ on-chain votes!
Last week, we had another new formal proposal submitted for on-chain voting:
Make sure to cast your ballet by this Wednesday @ 19:02 UTC 🗳️
Community Highlights
And as usual on Fridays, we shined the 4th Hashgang Spotlight on @WOO_Dad! Check out his snapshot 👇
It's Friday again & the spotlight is back on the Hashgang...
— hashflow (@hashflow) February 3, 2023
This week, we're featuring one of our most vocal supporters, @WOO_Dad ❤️He’s a long-time OG who loves Web3 games, BBQ, and Hash-schwag. Not to mention, he’s an awesome dad too!
His snapshot👇
To get your shot at a Hashgang spotlight, join the gang on Discord and get involved in activities and governance.
That’s a wrap for now. More new product features, announcements, and Hashverse updates are coming as defined in the 2023 roadmap — make sure to follow Hashflow on Twitter to stay plugged-in!