3 min read

The Hashbeats: Issue #11

Need your weekly dose of all things Hashflow? Here's a quick recap of progress on our product, growth initiatives, and all the latest news across our ecosystem 👇


Hashflow x Magpie

Last week, Magpie announced that they have started integrating Hashflow into their cross-chain liquidity aggregator - where Hashflow will be routing trades to provide the best prices to their community, the “Magpies”. We’re excited for this to go live once it’s ready!

Hashflow & Magpie: A match made for DeFi
While we’ve gone over many of the big issues that we’re tackling in DeFi, we haven’t yet talked about some of the issues that are just…

In parallel, the eng team shipped the following last week:

  • Deployed pre-staking contracts to Goerli!
  • Worked on scaling our storage infrastructure to support 10x the traffic, which will power more integrations with aggregators across the DeFi space.

While we were heads down shipping, CoinGecko showcased how Hashflow works, details about HFT, and its tokenomics. If you’re a newcomer to the Hashgang, their content is a great way to learn more about Hashflow as a whole - give it a look!

Hashflow: A Decentralized Exchange with a Difference | CoinGecko
Hashflow is a DEX optimized for interoperability, zero slippage, and more, leveraging RFQ to let expert market makers control liquidity pools.

The Stats

Last week, overall volume stayed above $103M, with Ethereum and Avalanche regaining the lead and runner-up spots respectively. Volume on BNB Chain remained strong 💪

The DeFi State

For our 16th episode of The DeFi State last week, we had Natalie Brunell, host of the HARD MONEY show, who unpacked the story of Bitcoin, the latest macro developments, and the outlook. Don’t miss this one! 👇

Hashflow Governance Updates

Last week, two new pre-proposals were submitted on the governance forums with one now undergoing on-chain voting:

It's been exciting to see the continued growth in decentralization and governance participation. Since the launch of governance in November, we’ve had 28 pre-proposals, 11 polls, and 5,000+ on-chain votes!

Community Highlights

As expected for Fridays, the Hashgang Spotlight lit up once again. This time the spotlight was on NIKA, one of the most familiar faces from the Hashgang. Check out her snapshot! 👇

To get your shot at a future spotlight, join the gang on Discord and get involved in the activities and governance. Bonus: there are still a bunch of Hashcaps in our office up for grabs 😎

That’s a wrap for the 2nd last week of 2022. We're heads down on more building for the product and Hashverse in this final week - make sure to follow Hashflow on Twitter for the next big reveal!